This DeFi Altcoin Received $15 Million Investment, Its Price Skyrocketed!

This DeFi Altcoin Received $15 Million Investment, Its Price Rocketed!

Centrifuge (CFG) announced it received $15 million to scale enterprise DeFi adoption.

Centrifuge (CFG) announced it received $15 million to scale enterprise DeFi adoption.

Names such as Parafi Capital, Arrington Capital, Circle and Wintermute participated in the Centrifuge team’s Series A financing round.

The team said in its statement:

“We are grateful to Centrifuge supporters who share our vision for a better on-chain financial system. We are more enthusiastic than ever about creating a more efficient, fair and inclusive financial system as we move forward.”

After the news, CFG increased by 12%.

*This is not investment advice.

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