How To Invest in Tokenization: A Primer –

If you are looking for investment opportunities in the blockchain space, asset tokenization may be a sub-sector to look at. Read on to learn how to invest in tokenization. 

What Is Tokenization in Crypto?

Tokenization is the process of digitally representing an asset as a cryptographic token on the blockchain.

Blockchain-based bridges real-world assets into the digital world, allowing users to store, trade, and transfer (physical) assets digitally.

Through the act of tokenizing, ideally, economic value and rights of the asset are embedded into the token. As a result, the issued token carries the ownership rights and value of the asset it represents while the underlying asset continues to exist off-chain. Token issuers will typically place the underlying physical asset in safe custody to ensure the token is always fully backed.

You can tokenize intangible assets like copyrights, royalties, and intellectual property (IP) as well as tangible assets like real estate, art, precious metals, and consumables (e.g., coffee). Financial securities like equities and bonds can also be tokenized. 

Blockchain-Based Asset Tokenization on the Rise: Here’s Why

Whether through a non-fungible token (NFT) or a security token representing a real-world asset, people are increasingly taking an interest in tokenization because of the benefits it can bring. 

Tokenization is making fractionalized ownership possible, allowing small investors to acquire high-value assets that were previously beyond their financial capabilities. That means investors can buy tokens representing a $100 million piece of fine art at a lower price point like $1,000. This gives them fractional ownership, thereby enabling investors to be part of the investment in the first place. Besides increasing accessibility to small investors, fractional ownership allows investors to diversify their portfolios with large ticket-size assets that would traditionally not be on their plate of investable assets.

Furthermore, asset tokenization increases market efficiencies by enabling people to transfer value without trusted intermediaries. When intermediaries are involved, costs may increase, and the transaction process may be slower. However, blockchain technology eliminates them, making transactions potentially cheaper, faster, and frictionless.

Moreover, traditionally illiquid assets, such as property or venture capital, can become more liquid through tokenization as it can enable secondary market trading in tokens representing ownership.

How to Gain Exposure to the Growing Tokenization Market

Now, let’s take a look at how you can add exposure to the growing asset tokenization market to your crypto portfolio.

Buy Tokenized Stocks

You can buy tokenized stocks of publicly-traded companies like Facebook, Apple, Google, Amazon, Tesla, and Netflix on crypto exchanges like FTX and Bittrex.

Tokenized stocks are digital assets that represent shares in publicly-traded companies. They may be backed on a ratio of 1:1 with traditional stocks or use decentralized price oracles, allowing them to mirror the performance of the underlying traditional security.

By purchasing tokenized stocks, you will have access to markets 24/7. This is a feature you will not enjoy when you buy traditional stocks that trade within specified business hours. Tokenized stocks also provide fractional ownership in traditional securities.

Buy Crypto Tokens of Tokenization Ventures

Buying the crypto tokens issued by projects working on tokenization is another option for anyone that wants to invest in the promise of tokenization.

Investors could benefit from the token, especially if it represents a real valuable asset. However, research the project thoroughly before buying its token. You could examine token liquidity, the project’s team, token holder benefits, and the progress the project has made in achieving the goals on its roadmap.

Buy Layer-1 Tokens from Top Tokenization Blockchains

You may expose your investment portfolio to the tokenization market by purchasing Layer-1 (L1) tokens from blockchains that enable tokenization.

L1 tokens are the native tokens that power the main network of a blockchain by serving as incentivization vehicles and as a settlement layer. Examples of tokenization blockchains are Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL), Avalanche (AVAX), and BNB Chain (BNB).

You should research each platform before acquiring its token. Also, ask yourself if you believe in the future success of this blockchain before investing in its token for the long term.


What is a tokenized investment?

A tokenized investment is the purchase of a crypto token that represent an asset or as security. By purchasing the issued token, you typically acquire ownership rights in the underlying asset. But check the legal situation pertaining to a specific token to be sure.

Is an NFT an example of tokenization?

How do you tokenize an asset?

First, determine the blockchain platform you’ll use and the most appropriate token standard before tokenizing an asset. For instance, NFTs on Ethereum use the token standard ERC-721 or ERC-1155 while security tokens use ERC-1400. Next, get a token name and symbol. Determine how many tokens you’ll have in circulation and how you’ll divide the asset. To illustrate, you could say one token will represent one square foot of the property you want to tokenize. Once done, you can create the token. Use token creation guides for the specific blockchain you want to use or seek the assistance of an expert.

How much does it cost to tokenize an asset?

The cost of asset tokenization will depend on factors such as the blockchain network, the number of tokens you want to create, and whether you’ve hired an expert or service provider to help with the entire process. 

How to invest in tokenized assets?

Create an account on the exchange that has listed the token, deposit funds, and buy the number of tokens you want.

What are the leading asset tokenization platforms?

Platforms that help teams launch tokenization projects include Tokensoft, Securitize, Polymath, and tZero.

What is the best blockchain platform for tokenization?

Ethereum is a popular blockchain for tokenizing assets. However, you can use other smart contract-enabled blockchain to tokenize assets.

What is the future of asset tokenization?

Tokenization may completely disrupt investing and asset management in the future. Creating seamless interoperability with existing systems (e.g. legal frameworks) could promote the widespread adoption of asset tokenization going forward.

What are the current challenges to the widespread adoption of asset tokenization?

Blockchain scalability issues, the business risk of migrating to a blockchain-based environment, the risk of cyber hacks, and regulatory uncertainty in most parts of the world are the main challenges hindering the wider adoption of blockchain-based tokenization.

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Written by Alex Lielacher on 2022-09-22 21:55:24.

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