World’s First Ethereum-Funded Movie In Hollywood

The Pitts Circus film describes an Australian circus family who has gotten themselves into trouble involving a hardware wallet and a Swiss aristocratic family. The objectives of eMovie Venture lie in knowing and creating a bond amongst blockchain and film industry.

Blockchain Meets Hollywood

From its uses as a form of payment, enjoying Bjork’s music, or to effectively manage public data by Government agencies, blockchain technologies are evolving across a wide-range of industries. Next up; the film industry.

The Pitts Circus is the first ever Ethereum-funded movie which centers on an Australian Circus Family. It has been nominated for several more film awards including, Best Experimental Film at the Amsterdam International Film Festival and Best Director and Best Producer at the Independent Film Festival in Los Angeles.

The film also was also nominated for a digital sustainability award at the Swiss DINAcon in Bern, Switzerland. 

The film premiered at Kapow Intergalactic Film Festival on November 14 and was met with great reviews. It was shown at Laemmle’s theater, which was established in 1938 by nephews of Carl Laemmle. 

The film follows the family across Ireland, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Australia. It captures life on the road for a family in the circus business and gives insight into the short struggles of day-to-day living. 

The funding platform that ultimately created the movie is called eMovie Venture. By exchanging these tokens, holders also have access to a voting function. Projects that receive the most votes from the community are then developed into movies for the following year. 

With this primary function in mind, the team is also focusing on making the ecosystem bigger by introducing unique tokens to be accepted as a form of payment by partners. 

Circus Freaks and Crypto Punks

According to movie producer Toni Caradonna, the group of circus freak and crypto punks are eager to share the unique story.

He stated further that,

“The advent of Ethereum makes a movie game changer & a big success. Though, it is surprising to see that humans are much interested in decentralized machine-oriented process than authoritative ones.”

To Caradonna and his team, the film represents the strong and feasible possibility of integrating the blockchain in the film industry.  

The filmmakers are not just investors, but offer varied facilities through the Ethereal platform. Token holders, for instance, can watch the movie for free and can also earn profit shares until 2036.

Beside this innovation, eMovie Venture has wrecked havoc on the traditional form of filmmaking and proved that blockchain technology has many things to do across the film industry. Primarily, this project shows that an independent filmmaker or artist can have more flexibility in projects by integrating blockchain technology.

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Written by Aisshwarya Tiwari on 2022-05-04 06:53:47.

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