Best Polkadot Wallets: Choose Your Gateway to DOT Network

You may discover along your crypto journey that exchange wallets come with a few limitations. If you’re a Polkadot user and want to make full use of your tokens, then it can be a good idea to start thinking about acquiring a wallet on the Polkadot network. Whether it’s for staking, crowd loans, or governing the network itself, these wallets make all of this possible by letting you stake tokens in numerous different ways. 

Polkadot’s multi-chain ecosystem is entirely centered around decentralization, meaning that DOT holders have the power to keep the network’s wheels spinning while also being rewarded in the process. Therefore, you will need a way to use your tokens while also keeping them safe. 

Polkadot wallets can kill two birds with one stone, so why don’t we take a deeper look at what they offer, where you can get one, and which particular wallet might be most suitable for your needs? 

What Is a Polkadot (DOT) Wallet?


Polkadot crypto wallets are mobile apps or browser extensions that enable users to interact with their DOT tokens on the Polkadot blockchain. They also integrate plenty of security measures to lower the risk of an owner’s funds being compromised by external threats. 

While they can be seen as storage units, Polkadot wallets will also allow DOT holders to utilize their tokens in numerous ways on the network.

What Makes Polkadot Wallets Different from Regular Custodial Wallets?

Before we look at popular Polkadot wallets currently available, it can be useful to break down what exactly makes these wallets unique and what they provide that their custodial counterparts do not. 

Polkadot wallets offer more functionality than buying and selling assets, which is what many regular custodial wallets offer. 

Instead, having a Polkadot wallet allows users to interact with the Polkadot network itself, and all of its staking options. 

For example, if someone has a Polkadot wallet on hand and a few DOT tokens saved up, they can stake tokens to nominate a validator who verifies transactions on the network. If the validator does a good job, the person who nominated them can gain some nice rewards in the form of more DOTs.

Some wallets will go even deeper and allow users to interact with some of Polkadot’s more in-depth features, such as utilizing Dapps, which can be used for a range of purposes, including executing smart contracts and Web3 gaming. 

What Makes a Good Polkadot Wallet?

There isn’t one specific factor that determines whether a crypto wallet is good or not. Instead, they need to be made up of a combination of different security features, accessibility options, network functionality, and more to be considered reliable. Here are the main things to look out for when deciding on a new Polkadot wallet:

  • Security: Additional security features, such as offline signatures or offline compatibility, can help protect storage digital assets from hacks and fraudulent behavior. 
  • Accessibility: Wallets are usually only accessible on certain web browsers or mobile devices. Additionally, some have more complicated interfaces, which can affect their ease of use. 
  • DOT Interactivity: Different wallets will allow users to interact with their DOT in unique ways. Make sure that a wallet allows you to trade, stake, and bond your tokens how you would like. 
  • Cryptocurrency Diversity: A wallet can hold DOT, but it could also be capable of holding other tokens across numerous blockchains. Choosing between a DOT-exclusive wallet or a multi-crypto one should always be a big consideration. 

Best Polkadot Wallets for Using DOT Tokens

Now that we know how Polkadot wallets work and what features they offer, let’s dive deeper into the real thing to learn more about some of the best wallets designed for interacting with Polkadot. 

1. Nova Wallet

Nova wallet.Nova wallet.

Nova Wallet is a self-custodial mobile wallet designed specifically for the Polkadot and Kusama networks. As a result, it offers a decent serving of DOT functionalities, including token transfers, nomination pools, and parachain crowd loans. 

What really sets Nova Wallet apart from its competitors, though, is the beginner-friendly user experience. It uses a 2-in-1 staking system which essentially removes all the complexities of staking and will guide users through the process of choosing a staking option and deciding on how much to spend. 

The zero commission fee also means you will receive your maximum staking reward without having anything deducted.

There’s even a multi-staking dashboard that presents users with all their current staking positions on a single screen to make things easier. 

This open-source wallet also has some handy security measures, including PIN verification for logins and transactions and phishing protection to keep fake addresses and scams at bay. Ease of use is the biggest draw for Nova Wallet since it makes staking on the Polkadot network an absolute breeze. 

Key Takeaways

  • 2-in-1 staking system makes staking easy and accessible.
  • Zero commission fee.
  • Multi-staking dashboard.
  • Available for iOS and Android.

2. SubWallet

SubWallet dashboard.SubWallet dashboard.

Polkadot-compatible wallets need not only to function with Polkadot itself. Some people may also want to interact with other forms of cryptocurrency, and for them, SubWallet would be an excellent option. 

SubWallet supports over 380 tokens across 150 networks on the Polkadot, Substrate, and Ethereum ecosystems, including popular cryptos such as Binance Smart Chain (BTC), alongside DOT, ETH, and KSM, of course. 

Being able to connect to hardware wallets like Ledger and Polkadot Vault also helps add an extra layer of security to the already sturdy self-custodial protection measures since it provides an offline companion to accompany the regular wallet. 

It is available as both a mobile app and a browser extension and enables users to stake their DOT in nomination pools, or simply by directly nominating someone to become a validator. Pair all of this with a dedicated Dapp browser and zero fees for unsigned transactions, and it’s not hard to see why SubWallet has been popular among those managing multiple tokens and networks at once.

Key Takeaways

  • Supports over 380 tokens across 150 networks.
  • Available as a mobile app and browser extension.
  • DeFi app browser.

3. Polkawallet


Polkwallet offers users all of Polkadot’s most basic staking features, and then some. Alongside the nomination pools and crowd loans, it also includes the opportunity to join the Polkassembly chat room, vote for council members, view proposals for and against a referendum, and vote on treasury proposals. 

Essentially, Polkawallet is ushering in more of Polkadot’s communal features, and opening them up to DOT holders who have every right to make use of them. 

It’s also no slouch in the security department though, boasting an offline signature mechanism that allows it to process transactions with nothing more than a QR code. It’s also funded by the Kusama Treasury and is followed by Gavin Wood himself on X, which lends it a lot of credibility as a reliable service. 

I would recommend Polkawallet to anyone who wants full access to all the governance options and capabilities that come with holding a DOT.

Key Takeaways

  • Plenty of staking and governance options are included.
  • Offline signature mechanism provides extra security.
  • Very reputable.

Polkadot Hardware Wallets

Rather than granting users a gateway into the Polkadot network and all of its features, hardware wallets prioritize security above everything else. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular Polkadot hardware wallets that are available right now. 

1. Ledger

Polkadot wallet Ledger.Polkadot wallet Ledger.

Ledger is a hardware wallet that stores the owner’s private keys and funds on a physical device, which is safer than putting them on a smartphone or desktop where there’s always a risk of them being compromised. 

Despite being a hot wallet, the Ledger wallet can still sign transactions internally so that it isn’t completely shut off from the outside world. Users will gain a few extra functionalities by linking the wallet to the Ledger Live App, which can be used for managing assets, checking real-time balances, and monitoring transaction history. 

A Ledger wallet is for Polkadot users who highly value the security of their tokens, but who still want to process basic transactions and keep track of their assets whenever they need to. 

Key Takeaways

  • Offline-compatible and secure hardware wallet.
  • Able to sign transactions internally.
  • Two versions to choose from.
  • Functionalities can be expanded with Ledger Live app.

2. Polkadot Vault

Polkadot Vault.Polkadot Vault.

Polkadot Vault works a little differently to your everyday crypto wallet, though it’s also, without a doubt, one of the best options available for anyone who prioritizes security above all else. The Polkadot Vault uses an old smartphone as a form of cold storage. 

By keeping the device on airplane mode and disconnected from the internet at all times, it becomes an air-tight cold wallet that is incapable of being hacked into by any outsiders. Even if the phone accidentally connects to the internet, a warning will be displayed to let users know that they are exposing their funds. 

Being this isolated does sacrifice a lot of functionality since DOT holders won’t be able to stake or participate on the network as they usually would. That being said, though, there is still the option to sign transactions via QR code, but this is ultimately a security-first option for those who want to ensure their DOT is protected in every way for the long run. 

Key Takeaways

  • Air-tight token security.
  • Still capable of signing transactions via QR codes.
  • Easy to set up.
  • Prioritizes security above all else.

What Is Polkadot.JS?

Though it is often mistaken for being one, Polkadot.JS is not a crypto wallet, and is actually an account management tool that makes interacting with the Polkadot network a lot easier. The reason it often gets confused for being a wallet is because it can work in tangent with a person’s wallet as part of its processes. 

Therefore, while it can allow users to manage their wallets across the Polkadot and Kusama networks, it’s not designed to provide impenetrable security for your funds. It’s mostly used by developers for creating apps on the blockchain, but it can still be useful for keeping an eye on your tokens if you decide to install it as a web browser extension. 

On the Flipside

  • Those who aren’t as interested in interacting with the Polkadot ecosystem can still find reliable wallets that simply support DOT tokens. The most important aspect of a wallet is that it’s safe and secure, so always conduct your own research to understand what methods will be in place to keep your funds safe. 

Why This Matters

Using a wallet to spend DOT tokens helps to expand the Polkadot network from within, allowing it to grow and follow its steady roadmap of future developments and updates. Of course, this will also give Polkadot an opportunity to garner more attention as a platform which can have a positive impact on the DOT price in general.


Does the MetaMask Wallet Support Polkadot?

Because Polkadot is not compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), it currently does not allow users to store their DOT tokens. 

Can Polkadot Wallets Manage NFTs?

This depends on the Polkadot wallet provider. SubWallet and NovaWallet are popular wallets that allow users to manage and sort their NFTs. 

Can Polkadot Vault be Installed on old iPhones?

Yes, but the further back you go, the fewer capabilities it will have. For example, the iPhone 6 will install the Parity Signer app to become a Polkadot Vault, but it will also miss out on features that are part of the updates for future phones, such as metadata updates. 

Sourced from

Written by on 2024-06-15 12:00:00.

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